Habits are behavior that require little or no thought. No matter who you are, you probably have some habits that are less than desirable. So what happens if you've been laid off from an old job where your bad habits were tolerated and now you're forced to confront them in a new less desirable job?
For starters, don't beat yourself up too much. What makes us unique is the good and not so good in us. Procrastination may sometimes feel like a weight around your neck. If you're in a leadership position, that procrastination could provide you with extra time to think of more innovative ideas for your department. If you must break some of your old habits, simply replacing them with a new one is probably the best way to go. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day. Separating yourself from the stimulus produced by that not so good habit is yet another step in the right direction.
I agree. Habits can definely be tailored to a specific job if you are lucky enough to know how to do it.