While assisting an elderly gentleman across the street with his walker, well I'm not sure if he was a gentleman, I realized how fleeting time is. Within a few decades I will be there myself plus or minus the walker. Recent conversations with my parents have changed slightly.
Conversations now center along the lines of Social Security Payments, one minor ailment or another and what body part did not hurt from one week to the next. One week it's knee and joint pain followed by back pain the next. We should all make a commitment to live and enjoy every given day. Once that time passes it will never be regained. We're only young once. Just where did the time go?
One day I could run like a deer, hang out late at the clubs and everything else in between. I sure had fun though and I hope everyone in reader land is having fun too. When it's over, all we have left are the memories of our youth engraved like a statue.
Oh father time, you just keep marching on with no end in sight. I thought you would never march down my street because you were so busy with everyone else: My parents, the neighbors, my grandparents and so many others. Now it seems that you are walking down my way. slowly but surely.
You're the unwelcome guest that I must cater to whether or not the cupboard is filled and the ice box has drinks. Will you please slow down your march down that lonely road. I have so many things left on my bucket list. If I could only find the fountain of youth.
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